klp-15: WBGene00002225

Terminal Expression Pattern

klp-15_pha_e0573 klp-15_pha_e0574 klp-15_pha_e0575 klp-15_neu_e0579 klp-15_neu_e0580 klp-15_hyp_e0577 klp-15_hyp_e0576 klp-15_hyp_e0578

Gene Function

Gene klp-15 is required to establish ABalp fate in ABalp cell.
Gene klp-15 is required to establish ABplp fate in ABplp cell.
Gene klp-15 is required to establish C fate in C cell.

Gene Interactions

C C-executionemb-5 strong
C C-executionpal-1 strong
ABplp ABplp-executionC07A9.2 weak
ABplp ABplp-executionsrc-1 weak
C C-executionC07A9.2 weak
C C-executionimb-2 weak