
Raw Data Downloads

The links below provide underlying data and results in formats suitable for further processing.
  • Excel spreadsheet of 204 analyzed genes
  • Excel spreadsheet contains each gene analyzed and annotation regarding the gene's general functional class.

  • Zip file of cell lineages and expression data
  • Contains a .txt file per embryo in the database containing a record of cell lifetime and expression values. Each file name consists of the gene knocked out, a 3 letter code for fate marker and an arbitrary embryo ID number. Each file contains a row for each cell with colums for cell name, average expression over its lifetime, binary expression call and comma separated expression per time point over the cell's lifetime. Expression values are background corrected and so can be below zero.

  • Zip file of cell lineages and expression data for wild type embryos.
  • Individual files formated as above.

  • Excel spreadsheet of all phenotypic changes
  • Excel spreadsheet with a record of perturbations to expression pattern for each experimental embryo and cell. Changes to fate are number/color coded at the clonal level. Number/Color codes:
    1/red: gain of pharynx fate
    -1/green: loss of pharynx fate
    2/yellow: gain of neural fate
    -2/blue: loss of neural fate
    3/cyan: gain of hypodermal fate
    -3/magenta: loss of hypodermal fate

  • Excel spreadsheet of all homeotic transformation phenotypes
  • Gene centric worksheet: rows are genes, columns are cells, alternative fates for cell j under gene i are found in entry(i,j).
    Cell centric view worksheet: Rows represent cells, collumns fate. Genes that cause homeotic trasformation of cell i to fate j are found in entry (i,j).

  • Excel spreadsheet of global gene network and multiscale model
  • Global network worksheet: Each row represents a gene-gene pair and contains a similarity score based on phenotype similiarity as well as a categorical classification of link strength. Multiscale model worksheet: Contains an entry for each gene-gene pair within each cellular context. Context, role, gene pair and strength of interaction is listed for each gene pair.